Many years ago in a country far far away a young shepard took a rest in a cave.  Some say he escaped a rain storm, others claim he had a brief romantic encounter. Anyway, he forgot his cheese sandwich and when he returned to the cave a while later he found the cheese had undergone a monstrous transformation. Perhaps due to the the influence of a peculiar mold  in the cave the cheese had gained conciousness and rapidly evolved super-cheesy powers. The shepard fled in panic when he realized what he had created inadvertently. Cheese Wiz was born!

The young wizard soon realized that with great cheese follows - a bunch of hungry rodents. Rats! The wizard was in dire straits, but help was near. A ghostly figure appeared in the cave, and the rats halted in fear as they heard a mighty roar echo through the tunnels. Ghost Cat! What would be a better companion than a cat? the young wizard thought. And so a wondrous team was formed. The magic powers of Cheese Wiz combined with the silky stealth of Ghost Cat turned out to be a match for the slimy rats.


Wiz: W, A, S, D

Cat: I, J, K, L

Spells: 1-9


Based on an excellent tutorial by Jeremiah Reid

Updated 8 days ago
Published 16 days ago
StatusIn development


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its a fun little game. The art style is nice and the controls are grid movement is smooth. But a tutorial would have been good as I was kinda confused. You have improved a lot since making mime vs  monsters

Wow thanks! However I didn't make the game myself. Check out this tutorial:

how many people made this game?

I made it myself but it is based on a tutorial. Now I am trying to improve the game. For example I would like some different spells.

ohh ok. You should probably add a tutorial in the game and add a main menu then.

Yes, I agree. There are instructions now. Hope it is easier to understand now!